JUMP TOSETTINGSMy Items and My TasksGet status of created process itemsgetGet current items assigned to yougetUserCreate a new userpostActivate a new userpostBulk user actionspostDeactivate userpostGet user listgetGet user detailsgetGroupCreate a new grouppostList groups by pagegetList groups by pagepostDelete a groupdeleteGet group detailsgetGet group details by pagegetWORKFLOWProcessGet the item listgetDelete an item in a processdeleteGet item detailsgetUpdate item detailsputAdd attachment to form fieldpostAdd image to form fieldpostAdd attachment to tablepostAdd image to tablepostCreate a new item requestpostGet my item listgetGet my task listgetGet progress detailsgetGet item details at workflow stepgetReject an itempostSubmit an itempostAdd attachment to form fieldpostAdd image to form fieldpostAdd attachment to tablepostAdd image to tablepostCasesCreate a new itempostGet all itemsgetAdd items to new resolutionpostChange assignee for multiple itemspostDelete itemdeleteGet field values of an itemgetChange form field valuespostAdd attachment to itempostAdd image to itempostAdd attachment to tablepostAdd image to tablepostDATA SOURCESDatasetModify dataset recordspostGet dataset recordsgetAdd attachmentpostAdd image filepostPROJECTProjectsCreate a new itempostAdd items to new state in any steppostChange assignee for multiple itemspostDelete itemdeleteGet field values of an itemgetChange form field valuespostAdd attachment to itempostAdd image to itempostAdd attachment to tablepostAdd image to tablepostCOLLABORATIONChannelsList all announcementsgetCreate a new postpostDelete channel postdeleteGet channel post detailsgetAdd attachment to postpostPLATFORMFlowList all flowsgetList flows by typegetFlow CommentsGet comment responsesgetReply to commentspostList flows by typeget https://{subdomain}.kissflow.com/flow/1/{account_id}/{flow_type}This endpoint lets you retrieve all the flows based on their Flow Type.